“Thanksgiving” Origin

Hey students, here is a video reinforcing the American tradition of THANKSGIVING.  Listen to and watch out for important facts about this tradition. Questions will be asked orally in class on Thursday Nov.24.

Have a fun weekend!

Reading Dictation

Hello to all,

Prepare for a mini dictation on the reading ( RIDING FREEDOM) for this Friday Nov.11. Study on pg.409 the second paragraph starting “She…………” until where it ends saying ” handling horses”.

Make sure to check out for punctuation, capitalization and spelling of the paragraph.

Have a nice and blessed day!




Good morning students, hope you had a wonderful and rested Fiestas Patrias vacations.

Just as we talked about in class today, please finish the Foursquare Activity ( 10 vocabulary words from the selection Riding Freedom) and read that same story pg. 402 in the Journey’s Book or through Think Central for Wednesday Nov.9.

Be prepared to answer oral and written questions.

Have a marvelous day.


Good afternoon students, hope you have a nice and rested Fiestas Patrias Vacations.

For when we come back to school… please search, draw , color and label the parts of a Stagecoach.

Remember to do it all in your interactive Reading Notebook.

Have fun!

Writing: Descriptive Paragraph

Beloved students,

This is an explanation of the type of writing (Descritive Paragraph) we’ll be working on this trimester.

Please read the description in advance so you have an idea and in our next class we’ll refer to it and as a complement view an image of a Descriptive Paragraph so we can get started inmediately on it. 🙂


Prepositions of Time and Place

Hi students, good morning to all!

Here is so you get familiarized with the prepositions of time and place we’ll be studying this trimester. Recall this illustrates the plan you copied in class to help you out in understanding the use of these prepositions. There’ll be practices coming along soon.




Vocabulary 1

Hey students!

Just a reminder for you … please complete the foursquare activity ( Word, Definition, Word in Context, I own the Word and Synonym) that we’ve always done for our Reading selection regarding the vocabulary words for Monday Oct. 10 in your Reading Notebook.

Here are the vocabulary words of the selection: Sacagawea.

Make sure to print these images and illustrate the foursquare activity.

  1. Territory



2. Accompany



3. Proposed



4. Interpreter



5. Duty



6. Supplies


7. Route



8. Corps



9. Clumsy



10. Landmark
